Are Rom Coms evil? What if you try to live one? What if you add dinosaurs?

“…packed with wit…” – Jay Harvey Upstage
“…never lets up on the clever wordplay.” – NUVO

– Audience Choice Award 2016 Elgin Fringe Festival
– Best Portable Set Award 2017 Pittsburgh Fringe Festival

After musically skewering comic books, musicians, science fiction, corporations, fantasy, and denial, satirical songwriting superhero Captain Ambivalent returns to take on a genre he is infinitely less familiar with. Come celebrate romantic density and whisper those three little words, propellor beanie chicken. Mostly funny songs, a couple of stories, and dinosaurs!

Promo Video

Ticket Back Reviews and Show Photos

Technical Requirements

Captain Ambivalent’s self-contained portable multimedia sound system handcart is good for up to 75 person venues. Larger venues require a HDMI projection system input, vocal mic, and 1/4″ accordion pickup input at the stage. Bernice the dinosaur (not to be confused with any other purple dinosaur) requires a 10 foot cube of space to operate safely. Sound system/dinosaur require at least one grounded electrical outlet near the stage.