Spanish Song

10/04/20 - An ill-advised Guy Slimey number from "Captain Ambivalent Is In Denial" virtual Elgin Fringe Festival show.

South of the border
People are shorter
They dance and sing the whole night long
I met a chica
Muy bonita
And she taught me this Spanish Song:

You soy un tonto que no habla Español
No comprende nada que yo canto
No pague bastante por este traducción
Por que yo soy un bastardo tacaño

Yo soy un hipócrito grande

So if you meet a
Spanish speaka
And you would like to get a long
Let that chica
Be your teacha
And sing to them this Spanish Song:

Yo soy un tonto que no habla Español
[I am a fool who doesn’t speak Spanish]
No comprendo nada que yo canto
[I don’t understand a word I’m singing]
No pague bastante por este traducción
[I didn’t pay enough for this translation]
Por que yo soy un bastardo tacaño
[Because I am a stingy bastard]

Yo soy un hipócrito grande
[I am a big hypocrite]

The Captain's Compendium

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